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Prepare for the Coldest Temperatures of the Season

By Edmund Bogen | December 19, 2022


A cold front originating in the Arctic is expected to bring the coldest temperatures of the season to Central Florida later this week. Temperatures could dip as low as freezing on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, with highs remaining in the 40s. This will be the first time that temperatures have reached such low levels this season. It’s important for local residents to be prepared for these extreme weather conditions.  Let’s break down what you need to do to ensure your safety and comfort during this cold snap.

Protecting Your Home from Cold Weather Damage
When temperatures drop below freezing, it’s important to make sure your home is protected from potential damage caused by extreme cold. Make sure all exposed pipes are properly insulated and that any outside faucets have been shut off and drained. If you have a swimming pool, make sure that you cover it with a tarp or winterizing blanket to prevent it from freezing over. If you can, keep your heat on throughout the day, even if you’re away from home – just make sure to turn it down before going to bed so that your energy bills don’t skyrocket!

Dressing Appropriately for Cold Weather
When temperatures get dangerously low, it’s essential that everyone bundle up before venturing outside. Wear several layers of clothing – this will trap air between them, which helps keep you warm longer than if you were wearing just one thick layer. Make sure all exposed skin is covered – headwear like hats and scarves are especially important when trying to stay warm outside in cold weather! Also, consider investing in a good pair of winter boots and gloves so that your hands and feet stay warm while walking around outdoors.

Staying Healthy in Cold Weather
In addition to dressing appropriately for cold weather, it’s also important to take care of yourself during periods of extreme cold snap by doing things like drinking plenty of fluids (preferably water) and eating at regular intervals throughout the day. Avoid caffeinated beverages as they can act as diuretics and dehydrate you quickly; if possible, opt instead for herbal teas or hot chocolate as they contain less caffeine but still provide warmth inside and out! Additionally, try not to spend too much time outside in extremely cold weather as prolonged exposure can lead to hypothermia – an often deadly condition caused by extended periods of extremely low body temperature!  In short: dress warmly and limit your time outdoors when possible!

The upcoming arctic front is going to bring some seriously chillier temperatures than we’ve seen so far this season here in Central Florida—and while bundling up may seem like an inconvenience now, taking precautions against these colder temperatures can save us from dealing with costly repairs come springtime! Stay safe out there Central Floridians – remember: layers are key when protecting yourself against sub-zero temps! Take care!

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