The Edmund Bogen Team

A Guide to the Palms of South Florida

By Gabi Scalzitti | December 16, 2022

Are you planning on moving to sunny South Florida and want to know a little more about the trees that line our beautiful beaches and backyards? Then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular palm trees in South Florida and why they have become such an integral part of our tropical paradise. 


The Coconut Palm Tree 

The coconut palm tree is perhaps the most iconic and recognizable of all palm trees. This tree can grow to be up to 100 feet tall, making it one of the tallest species of a palm tree. Its leaves are often used in decorations, while its coconuts serve as an important source of food for many cultures around the world. However, it should be noted that this species is not native to South Florida; it was introduced from other parts of the tropics by early settlers. 


The Royal Palm Tree 

The royal palm tree is another popular species in South Florida and can easily be identified by its single, smooth trunk topped with a large crown shaft filled with long fronds. It’s also one of the fastest-growing species, reaching heights up to 80 feet in just five years! This makes it an ideal choice for those looking for a fast-growing privacy screen or windbreak. 


The Saw Palmetto Palm Tree 

The saw palmetto is a small yet hearty species native to South Florida and other parts of North America. These palm trees typically grow between 8-10 feet tall and have fan-shaped leaves that form dense clumps at their base. The fruits of this species are edible, though they are usually left alone because they are quite bitter in taste. Instead, these fruits are harvested mainly for medicinal purposes due to their high concentration of beneficial compounds called phytosterols.  


South Florida is home to some truly stunning species of palms! From towering coconut palms to low-maintenance saw palmetto plants, there’s something here for everyone—and each one offers unique benefits whether you’re looking for shade or medicine! Whether you’re already living in South Florida or planning on relocating soon, learning about these various types will help ensure your palms receive proper care so that you can enjoy them for many years to come!

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